Exploring Music Magazine Typography

The Kerrang masthead is black which connotes seriousness and something that has solemn and dark attributes to it. The capitalised font (along with the exclamation mark) make it seem as though the word is being shouted which reflects their rock and metal genre as rock music is often labelled as loud, aggressive and chaotic. On the masthead, there are white lines which mimic the appearance of a shattered mirror signifying the fact that not only does the magazine break conventions, but it also doesn't pay mind to it's appearance or how it viewed by others. Billboard uses a sans-serif black font which has red, yellow and blue circles within the letters. This gives the magazine a more modern and artistic feel to it as opposed to Q or the 'Rolling Stone' which appear more vintage and serious. The colours reflect the pop genre of the magazine and as they are the primary colours, it provides the magazine with an air of importance as it implies that the...