Flat Plans & Deconstructions

These are the flat plans for my music magazine front cover and double page spread:

I plan for the strapline 'Music Magazine of the Year' to be on top of the masthead and I will also make the masthead larger so that it sits behind the models head. I also plan for the feature colour to be used on the anchor on the front cover to present my artist as a selling point. The artists name runs vertically on both the front cover and double page spread to subvert the horizontal convention

The style of my article will be a blend of a review and an opinion piece. During my focused audience research, one of my participants stated that they would rather learn about the mundane attributes of the artist such as hobbies and preferences rather than the generic ‘why they enjoy music’.
My other participant claimed that they would prefer to read about how the artist is feeling in the music industry and whether there are any deeper meanings embedded into their albums thus I think that a short and simple review combined with an opinion piece that would give my audience insight to the artists mannerisms would appeal to my target audience.

For my front cover, I plan to have predominantly white text with a feature colour to highlight specific points. I will integrate this theme into my double page spread by using the feature colour for the artists name and headlines. My front cover will include a pull quote from the article to link them. The article will also have a sans-serif font to show that it is lighthearted and not a formal interview. The model from the front cover will be posed differently on the double page spread and may sport a softer and less solemn expression to illustrate the fact that she is revealing more about herself in the article. This will create the idea that the reader will get to know the artists ‘true’ self.

The double page spread will have my artist at a lower angle than the camera which will present her in a modest and humble light. By using a high angle, I will be suggesting to the audience that my artist is vulnerable as she is sharing personal details and aspects of her life that she wouldn’t casually share. I think that this will endear my audience to the artist as they will find her to be honest and more ‘human’. I plan to adopt a simplistic layout that is not cluttered with too many images as I think it may take away from the 'straight to the point' aura I want to create.


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