Research Rationale

Through variations of extensive research, I plan to create a music magazine with a target audience aged 14 to 18. As a Year 11 student, I have access to those whose age ranges from 11 to 16 and also sixth form students with an age range of 16 to 18. This will allow me to collect a wide variety of opinions which will give me a basic idea of my target audience's preferences.

For my general audience research, I plan to conduct a survey and for my focused audience research, I plan to conduct a focus group or several individual interviews.

The online survey I plan to create for my general research will be sent to several contacts within my targeted age group and will feature questions from genre preference to magazine layouts and colour schemes. These questions will be multiple choice giving me insight into my audience's general preferences and interests. 

A focus group or individual interviews, for my focused research, will allow me to integrate the opinions of my target audience into specific aspects of my product. My focused research will feature general, open-answer questions that will be moulded from the responses I get from the survey.

For my market research, I will use Google Images to browse through different music magazines aimed at teenagers. After this, I will deconstruct a few magazines, pinpointing similarities and conventions, in order to understand how they reflects its target audience and also their unique selling points. 

I also plan to read the double page spreads for magazines within the genre I choose in order to find out how they promote their artist.

In order to conduct my research, I will need to produce an online survey using Google Surveys and plan questions for the both of my methods of research. I will also need to find participants for my interviews/focus groups and consent forms which state that they give permission for the sessions to be recorded.


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